And...Number 10 of the "Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED!" Top Ten List!

Call a Public Adjuster to evaluate your claim!

A public adjuster (PA) is an adjuster that assists an insured who has had a loss in the preparation and presentation of the insurance claim. PAs perform very valuable services to the insured by consulting with the insured on options available in their recovery, filling out forms, helping prepare inventory lists, preparing estimates on structural damages, helping to find you a temporary place to live if you’re home is too damaged to live in, assisting in negotiations for settlement...and many more vital functions.

Public Adjusters work only on losses that involve property, such as homes, businesses and public buildings. Those are called “first party property claims.”

If you have a loss to your property that was caused by someone else, that is called a “third party property claim.” An example is when a vehicle runs into a dwelling, causing damage. In some situations, PAs will accept clients for third party losses. However, PAs cannot directly negotiate a third part claim. They can either advise the client as to the extent and value of the third party loss, or work with an attorney in presenting the claim.

Public Adjusters do not handle Bodily Injury (Casualty) losses, such as happen in an automobile accident. For assistance in those kinds of losses, consult a personal injury attorney.

There’s an easy way to understand the function of a Public Adjuster. Compare them to an attorney in a lawsuit, or a Certified Public Accountant or tax preparer when filing your tax forms with the Internal Revenue Service.

Let me ask you some questions:

If someone filed suit against you, would you represent yourself in court? Or, would you just call the plaintiff and say, “You’ve already got a lawyer. Why don’t we just use yours?” Neither choice protects you, does it?

Would you allow the IRS to prepare your tax return for you? If you did, would you expect the IRS to do its best to find every tax deduction for you so that you paid the least tax or got the biggest refund?

Do you file your own tax returns, or do you hire a tax preparation professional to prepare your tax return on your behalf?

Do you hire a tax professional because:

1. You don’t have time to do it yourself?
2. The IRS has written a tax code that is too complicated for a normal person to understand?
3. You usually get a larger refund, or smaller tax liability, when you use a professional...because the professional finds more deductions for you?
4. The fee you pay is usually far less than the additional money you save?

OK’ve just found comparable reasons to use Public Adjusters.

1. You need your own experts to help you file your claim.
2. Policies are written by the insurance companies and are usually complicated and hard to understand. These policies are known as “contracts of adhesion,” because they inherently benefit the author of the contract, the insurance companies.
3. Many people are not willing to take the time to learn about their policies and learn the claims process.
4. Some people are too busy with work, and family, and life, to handle their own claim...especially in the turmoil immediately after a significantly large claim.
5. Public Adjusters usually help the policyholder collect hundreds or even thousands more dollars when the policyholder submits a claim. Their fees are a very small percentage of the amount of the settlement.

PAs usually have to be licensed adjusters, and are usually regulated by the Insurance Department of your state. Some states have special licenses for Public Adjusters. Call your state’s Insurance Department office to find out more information about what Public Adjusters can do in your state. You’ll find contact information for the Insurance Commissioners for all US states in the Appendix of the book.

Many of the people on the insurance company side take it very personally when a policyholder hires a public adjuster. Many truly believe that the policyholder should just trust the insurance company and adjuster to do the right thing, and not ever question them.

Adjusters and insurance company personnel sometimes play games with their own policyholders when the insured hires a PA. I’ve heard claims examiners refuse to speak with the insured by phone, telling the insured that, now that they are represented, all conversations have to go through the PA.

However, there’s nothing in your policy that states that. Public Adjusters are not attorneys, and the attorney/client relationship is not the same as the relationship between an insured and a Public Adjuster. If your adjuster or insurance company examiner tries to pull that stunt, he’s just doing it to delay and cause you problems. Call his supervisor or call the Department of Insurance.

Isn’t this amazing? The insurance company writes the policy, makes the rules hard to understand, and then gets mad at you when you hire someone to help you submit a claim. This would be like the Internal Revenue Service getting mad at you because you hired an accountant to help you prepare your tax return.

But it still happens, even though it makes no sense.

The environment is changing, though. Following the hurricane seasons of 2004 and 2005, a newfound respect has grown within the insurance community regarding the value and professionalism of an accredited, licensed Public Adjuster.

Why do you think that the insurance companies and adjusters are not happy when you hire Public Adjusters? There’s one big reason. Usually, when a PA is involved, the dollar amount of the claim is higher than a claim without a PA.

When I first got into the claims adjusting field, the “old timers” told me horror stories about public adjuster. They told me how crooked they were, and how they grossly inflated the repair or replacement costs in claims. They told me stories of how PAs were liars and cheats and totally dishonest.

Yet, in my experience dealing with PAs in claims, from homeowner losses to large apartment building fires, to commercial and business losses, I have not met one public adjuster that I didn’t like as a person. I have not met a public adjuster who acted in an unprofessional manner. I have not met a public adjuster who wasn’t trying his best to make sure that his client…the policyholder who had a loss…got every dollar that was owed to them by the insurance company.

Public adjusters usually represent a client on a contingency basis. That simply means that they help present the claim documents to the insurance company and receive a percentage of the total amount of the insurance proceeds. The average percentage nationwide is 10%. The major incentive that makes the PA work hard is to help the insured get a larger settlement from the insurance company than the insured could have gotten by himself.

The PA is motivated to maximize your claim and expedite the claim adjustment process. It is a balance of making sure that the claim is packaged as completely as possible so you collect every dollar you are entitled to collect without creating unnecessary disputes with the insurance carrier. The PA does not charge for his services until after the claim is paid to you, so they are motivated to get it settled as quickly as possible. Their fee is usually all inclusive, with no additional out-of-pocket expenses. Most established Public adjusting firms can show you how their fee is absorbed in the adjustment process.

You should know that fees are negotiable with PAs. I’ve seen PA firms agree to substantial discounts from their standard 10% fee on huge commercial losses, and I regularly see 10% contracts on dwelling and small commercial losses. Caveat emptor…let the buyer beware. Just be aware that if the PA plunks down a contract in front of you with a blank space where the fee percentage is supposed to be, DON’T SIGN IT!! Negotiate the fee you’re willing to pay BEFORE signing the contract. Then let your attorney review it before you sign.

Some state’s Department of Insurance regulations cover Public Adjuster fees, and the maximum amounts they can charge for their services. I don’t think that’s any of the State’s business. For the most part, states do not regulate the fees that independent adjusters charge the insurance companies. Why regulate PA fees? I believe that the policy holder and the PA should be able to set whatever fee they can agree upon.

Regardless of my opinion, you need to check with your state’s Department of Insurance for this information if you’re considering hiring a PA.

You’ve heard of personal injury attorneys being called “ambulance chasers?” Well, sometimes PAs have to be “fire truck chasers.” It is quite normal for PAs to listen in to fire and police scanners and follow the fire trucks out to the location of the fire. It is quite normal for PAs to go door to door in a tornado or hurricane damaged area and solicit business. There is nothing wrong with this, since it may be the only way to contact victims after a fire or windstorm. That being said, the PA should always be professional, respecting your time and your personal situation.

A professional public adjuster can offer valuable assistance in the preparation of your claim, or even represent you in the presentation of the claim. Hiring a PA early in the claim process can help control the situation and quickly begin the recovery process. The PA can control over-zealous restoration contractors and pushy adjusters. The PA can accelerate and smooth the claim process by walking through the loss with the insurance company’s adjuster so they agree on the scope of the loss. This one process can make a huge difference in how quickly your claim is settled, and many times, prevent disputes later on. You may decide that, in your situation, it makes sense to hire a PA in the first 24 hours after your loss.

If you wish to consider hiring a public adjuster, you should treat them just like you treat the adjuster and contractor. Call two or three public adjusters. Meet them, go over the details of your claim, and listen to their proposal of how they are going to represent you.

Get referrals of satisfied customers with phone numbers that you can call and verify. Then, spend the time checking them out. Call the Better Business Bureau about them. Find out if they have a good reputation.

Once you’ve checked them out, and if you want to retain a PA, hire the one who checks out best.

Remember what I told you in Chapter Six, “Should I Get a Lawyer?” Don’t sign anything without having your attorney review the document FIRST. But, having said that, remember that there may be many things that need immediate attention, like contents removal, emergency board-up, and temporary family accommodations. This means that you should get your PA contract in front of your attorney immediately!

If you’ve hired a Public Adjuster, you should treat him just the same as the insurance company adjuster. See Chapter Four, Don‘t Be In A Hurry, with regard to writing down everything you discuss with him. Keep an accurate record of the date and time of all of your conversations, and what was discussed. Record the conversations if possible.

Insist that the PA give you copies of every document he generates on your behalf. Insist on copies of all letters and correspondences between the PA and the adjuster or insurance company.

Your PA will likely have you sign an assignment form, in which you agree to have the PA’s name placed on the settlement checks along with yours.

There are only six states in the USA that require the PA to be included as a payee on an insurance company settlement check: Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia, Wyoming, Illinois and Kentucky. That means that if the insurance company doesn’t want to be cooperative and place the PA’s name on the check, they might not be cooperative unless the law requires them to do so.

In summary, the Public Adjuster will do most of the things for you that are found in this book regarding proper documentation and submission of your claim.


You can do all of the things that a Public Adjuster does on your behalf if you’ll follow the steps I’ve written in this book. This will require a lot of work on your part. If you follow my recommendations, you will assuredly collect hundreds or even thousands more dollars in your claim settlement. However, in my opinion, you will collect even more money from your insurance company when you use the services of a Public Adjuster.

For those of you who do not want to expend the effort to handle your own claim from start to finish, and are willing to pay someone to do these tasks for you, then a professional Public Adjuster will perform a tremendous service for you.

Finally, I recommend that you check out the National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters ( for a listing of accredited public adjusting firms in your state. At the website, you’ll find helpful links, articles of interest, and information on how individual public adjusters are licensed and accredited through the organization.

#9 of the Top Ten List of Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED! - Keeping Your Claims Diary!

This article is excerpted from by book "Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED!"

Recorded statements are a normal part of the claims process. Claims adjusters usually like to get a recorded statement from all the parties in the loss early in the claims process. That way, the details of the claim are still fresh in everyone’s minds, and can be documented more accurately. Don’t be nervous about being recorded.

If the claims adjuster calls and requests a recorded statement over the telephone, politely tell him that you prefer to meet with him in person. The best scenario for you would be to meet the adjuster at your attorney’s office, and give the recorded statement in the presence of the attorney. Even uncooperative or moody adjusters seem to be on their best behavior in the presence of an attorney.

If the insurance adjuster or examiner only does recorded statements by phone, simply have the adjuster do a three-way conference call with you and your attorney.

On an in-person interview, the adjuster will have his portable tape recorder with which he will record the interview. You should also bring a portable tape recorder and tape the interview for your own protection. You can buy a hand-sized cassette recorder at any electronics store or discount department store…even major drug store chains for less than $40.00. They use standard cassette tapes and batteries. The microcassette recorders work great, too, and cost about the same. Make sure that you have plenty of fresh batteries and a few cassette tapes with you at the interview.

When the adjuster is recording your statement, don’t OFFER any information. Answer the question that he asked, and no more.

Remember that some questions do not deserve an answer.

Have you ever been in an interview, or some social situation, and someone asked you a question that made you uncomfortable? And you ANSWERED the question so they didn’t think you were impolite? Then later you hated yourself for being a doormat?

People feel a need to be nice. Adjusters take advantage of people’s need to be nice. Adjusters know that most people will answer whatever questions seem reasonable, even if the question is not relevant to the claim. Personal questions that do not have relevance to your claim should not be answered. Questions about your income, or asking for your Social Security number, may not be relevant to the claim. Questions about your income, for example, are not appropriate unless you are making a claim for lost wages.

One of the reasons that adjusters ask for your Social Security number is so they can look you up on a database called Insurance Service Office (ISO) Claimsearch. If you want to see what the Claimsearch homepage looks like, go to:

Claimsearch is a searchable database that shows if you’ve ever had an insurance claim before. With your Social Security number, adjusters and claims examiners can call up all the data about you…WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION.

If there’s a question that the adjuster asks that you don’t feel comfortable answering, politely reply “I’d rather not answer that question.” Sometimes adjusters ask inappropriate questions. Make sure that the adjuster sticks to the details of the accident or loss. If you’re in an attorney’s office at the time of the recorded statement, he’ll help the adjuster stay on track.

My belief is that you, the policyholder or claimant, should record every telephone conversation and face-to-face conversation that you have with anyone about your claim. The same electronics stores that sell the cassette recorders will stock a “pick-up” microphone that plugs into your cassette recorder and has a suction cup that sticks to your telephone handset. The quality of the sound is usually quite good.

I’m not suggesting for a moment that you should do something illegal or unethical. You need to check your state’s statutes and laws about recording conversations. Some states do not allow it unless both parties give consent. Some states allow it if only one of the parties is aware that the conversation is being recorded.

    Know the law, and know your rights.

Don’t be surprised if some people refuse to have their conversations recorded. That doesn’t mean that you should cave in to their lack of cooperation. You should insist on the recording, or politely refuse to speak with that person. But, it should tell you something about that person if he or she refuses to be recorded.

Be in control of when and where you accept phone calls about your claim. I’ve seen some adjusters that try to keep the insured off balance by making calls at unusual times, like early morning or late night. If you’re not ready to record the call when the phone rings, tell the person that it’s not convenient to speak right then and make an appointment to call him back. Always keep your appointments.

I can imagine that some of you reading this article think that this author is some sort of paranoid kook. Please let me assure you that I am. But I’ve seen countless situations in which an adjuster took a recorded statement, and then wrote a statement summary that wasn’t anything like the information on the tape. I’ve seen police officers fill out an accident report, and describe the accident completely wrongly. I’ve seen court testimony where the adjuster and the insured are questioned about an incident, and their stories are completely different.

Recordings of conversations put all of that to rest.

After you have a problem with a person who lies to you, or about you, it’s too late to record them then.

The old adage is, “better safe than sorry.” Sorry can cost you thousands of dollars.

For more information go to:

Copyright 2008 Russell D. Longcore. All Rights Reserved.

#8 of the Top Ten List from Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED! - Get An Advance Payment

This article is excerpted from my book "Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED!"

Often, when an insured has a loss of significant size, such as a flood, tornado, wildfire, hurricane loss or a big water damage loss, an advance payment of a portion of the anticipated settlement is issued by the insurance company. This situation also happens regularly when a business has a loss and needs money up front.

It is a customary and widely accepted practice for the insurance company to issue an advance payment in this type of instance. Be aware that there’s nothing in the standard property insurance policy that deals with advances. It is usually just a courtesy that the insurance company extends to their policyholder.

However, they don’t usually offer to do it. You have to request the advance.

Here’s an example. Joe Smith’s house is hit by lightning, and a fire damages most of the house. Joe’s policy has Building limits of $100,000, Contents limits of $50,000, ALE limits of $20,000. The house can be repaired for $70,000, which is less than the policy limits. However, the adjuster expects that the Contents loss will exceed the policy limits of $50,000, and the ALE loss will be $15,000. The adjuster sends in his first report to the insurance company, and tells them to expect the loss to be approximately $135,000 on these three parts of coverage.

The insurance company could easily issue an initial advance payment of $25,000 to $35,000 for Contents and ALE, and $40,000 to $50,000 for the Dwelling loss.

So, what do you do if your Contents are damaged and you need the most basic things, like a change of clothes and shoes? What if you need to have a contractor secure the building and put tarps on the roof to keep further rain out of the building? Most people do not have tens of thousands of dollars just lying in their bank accounts that could be used to begin repairs, or begin replacing personal property. That’s when the insurance company issues an advance.

It’s best to make your request in writing. Even if it’s just a hand-written letter, it’s best if it’s in writing. Write or type your request, keep a copy for your records, and give the copy to your adjuster. It’s also a good idea to send a duplicate copy to the claims department of your insurance company. Send it by overnight courier or certified mail. NEVER rely on the adjuster to ask for an advance on your behalf. He might get delayed with other work and it could be days before he asks. DO IT YOURSELF.

Take control of your claim, my friend! Request your advance EARLY in the process!

For more information go to:

Copyright 2008 Russell D. Longcore. All rights reserved.

#7 of the Top Ten List from Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED - Dealing With Adjusters

This article is excerpted from the book "Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED!"

Have you ever thought about what kind of service you should expect from the adjuster when you file a claim?

A professional, intelligent, honest adjuster is a pleasure to work with. He treats you with respect and gives his best effort to complete his investigation as quickly as possible. He is patient, knowing that you are not familiar with the claims process. He understands how upset you might be about your claim. He senses that you have already been frightened by the loss itself, and now may be frightened about the claims process.

He explains the process to you before he begins it, and invites you to be an active participant, not a spectator. He sits down with you and reads your policy with you, and explains it as he goes. He makes sure that you have his contact phone numbers, so you can get your questions answered when he's not there. He answers his phone messages promptly.

The professional claims adjuster must have empathy for people. I'm not sure if that is a skill that can be taught with a book or a class. Some of the empathy must come from a person's upbringing. Compassion for another human being who is hurting or afraid must come from deep within a person. Even having said this, it is not unusual for a person to have his compassion and empathy stretched thin by the things that happen in life.

Haven't you heard a story from a friend or relative about how badly the insurance company treated them when they had an insurance claim? I think most people have.

In today's world, poor customer service is nearly accepted as the norm. Sadly, we are overjoyed and amazed when we get good customer service. We're astounded and tell all our friends when we get great customer service.

Most people I've met who had a loss, and filed a claim, never thought for a minute about what kind of service they would get from the adjuster that the insurance company assigned to handle their claim. But, I'm writing today to make a couple of points that will be CRUCIAL to you collecting all the claims settlement money you're entitled to collect:

1. The pool of qualified, trained adjusters is drying up.

I still read industry magazines. In the latest edition of Claims Magazine, and in the latest edition of Best's Review, there were articles stating that the insurance claims adjusters nationwide, as a group, were marching on toward retirement years. They went on to say that there is a huge concern in the insurance industry that the most capable, most experienced adjusters are leaving the industry, and that there is a growing shortage of experienced adjusters in the North American market today. The articles also said that these days, insurance companies are spending less time and money training adjusters.

If the insurance companies are worried, YOU as a consumer should be DOUBLE WORRIED!!


Because inexperienced adjusters won't be as thorough in the claims process. They won't have years of experience to fall back on. They won't know policy language and the claims process as well as the "old guys."

Have you heard the old saying, "The Devil is in the details?" I've said over and over that the claims process is where the devil hides. Most of my book is about teaching consumers that they must educate THEMSELVES about the claims process. The claims process is NOT in the policy. The insurance companies will not tell you...the consumer...about the process, because if they did, the insurance settlement amounts would skyrocket!

You want a couple examples?

First: You're in a traffic accident, and your car is damaged. The adjuster will likely tell you to go get three estimates from three different repair shops. They'll want to pick the lowest one, or the middle one as the agreed estimate. However, there's NOT ONE WORD in your policy that forces you to get three estimates. That is a waste of YOUR time. You should get an estimate from the repair shop of YOUR choice, not the insurance company's choice. Then, the adjuster should work from your estimate. By the way, if your insurance company has "approved repair facilities," you should know that they work for a huge discount, and regularly use cheap, aftermarket auto parts...which leads me to the next example.

Second: The insurance industry is totally sold on "aftermarket" parts for auto repair. These parts may fit your car, and may work on your car, but they are of inferior quality to the original equipment manufactured parts the automaker used to build your car. You should NEVER allow the insurance company to insist on aftermarket parts to repair your car. There is NOTHING in your policy that gives the insurance company permission to use cheap parts to repair your car. In fact, most policies guarantee you "like kind and quality" repairs. Aftermarket auto parts save the insurance company bunches of money, but only at your expense.

2. Knowing that the talent pool is shrinking, it's more important than EVER to make sure your adjuster is qualified to handle your claim.

In Chapter 7 of my book, "Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED!" I wrote at length about the qualifications of an adjuster. I also wrote about what level of service you should expect from the insurance adjuster who handles your claim.

You should interview your adjuster and find out his education and claims experience. If you do not believe that your adjuster has the education and experience to handle your claim, you should call his supervisor and request that your claim be transferred to a more experienced adjuster. Further, I say in Chapter 7 that if the adjuster has less than two years' experience, ask for another adjuster. If the insurance company refuses, call your state's Department of Insurance and file a complaint.

Don't allow yourself to be bullied by the insurance companies. But, that will require YOU to take responsibility for YOUR OWN education.

If you take control of your claims, you WILL add hundreds or even thousands more dollars to your claim settlements!

For more information, go to:

Copyright 2008 by Russell D. Longcore

#6 of the Top Ten List from Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED! - Open a Checking Account

This article is excerpted from the book "Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED!"

One of the many things that policyholders don't think about when they have a claim is the IRS tax treatment of the settlement money. I'm not a tax accountant, or any kind of accountant, so I'm not about to practice accounting or tax law here in this article. But, the one thing I know that will help protect you from the wrath of the IRS is to open a special checking account which will only be used for your insurance claim replacements and repairs.

Once the insurance company issues you the first check, go to your bank and open a separate account just for handling claims issues. When you receive the payments for the claim, deposit them in this account. ONLY use this account for the expenses of the claim. When the claim is completed, close the account.

Normally, when the insurance company issues advance payments against the ALE or Contents losses. the checks will be made payable just to you, because there's no mortgage on your contents. So, those checks can be deposited directly into your claim account.

DO NOT DEPOSIT THE SETTLEMENT CHECKS IN YOUR NORMAL CHECKING OR SAVINGS ACCOUNT. Keeping a separate account for insurance claim related expenditures makes it so much easier to keep good records.

When you ask for an advance against your Dwelling coverage, the insurance company will need to know the name and address of your mortgage company. They will issue the check jointly in your name and the name of the lender. They may send the check to you. If they do, the lender will likely require you to endorse the check and give the check to them. Then, they will set up a system of payments. To find out more about that system of payments, contact the Escrow Department of your Mortgage Company. Every lender is different. Find out what your lender plans to do by contacting them and asking them.

The same procedure will likely apply when the insurance company issues checks for repairs to the dwelling (or even a settlement for a car wreck). Anything you own that also has a lienholder or mortgage holder will be issued jointly in the name of the owner and the name of the lienholder. If you own your dwelling or vehicle free and clear, the insurance company will issue your settlement check only in the name of the owner.

ONLY USE THIS MONEY FOR THE CLAIM. Don't take a weekend vacation to Las Vegas with the money, or buy yourself that new motorcycle you've always wanted. However, there are circumstances in which you can use the money for whatever you like. You just won't collect all you should. Read Chapter 17, "Deduct This!"

There. I've said it in a number of different ways. Don't comingle your personal funds and your insurance settlement funds. Keep them entirely separate and you'll have a much more pleasant claims experience.

For more information go to:

Copyright 2008, Russell D. Longcore. All Rights Reserved.

#5 of the Top Ten List - Start a Document File!

Had an insured loss? IT'S TIME TO GET ORGANIZED!!

How about a loss that wasn't your fault, like a car wreck? IT'S STILL TIME TO GET ORGANIZED!!

This article is excerpted from the book "Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED!"

Start A File

You must create a file immediately after your loss. Go to an office supply store and buy one of those cardboard accordion-like expandable folders that can hold lots of paperwork. Even a cardboard box with a lid on it is acceptable for keeping everything inside it. You don't have to be fancy, just keep everything in one place. Your file also must be portable, so that rules out using a filing cabinet at home.

During the recovery process, place the following in your file:

A. Current copy of your policy. If you don't have a copy handy, call your agent and have him get you a copy immediately.

B. Copies of all written correspondences (don't forget emails) between you and ANYONE regarding your claim.

C. Phone, fax and email address record for everyone involved in the claim.

D. Photos you have taken of the damages...and the repairs. This includes videotapes or still photos of the damages that you took immediately after the loss.

E. A cassette tape of your own recorded statement about how the loss occurred. (See Chapter Twenty Five, Recorded Statements.)

F. A cassette tape recorder, batteries and spare tapes for recording EVERY conversation that you have with the adjuster, claims examiner, appraiser, engineer, attorney, contractor...ANYONE with whom you discuss this claim.

G. Receipt envelope. ALL receipts pertaining to this loss should be in that envelope. NEVER give the insurance company your original receipts. They should get copies.

H. Expense log: emergency services, living expenses, mileage, even extra child care, or boarding your pets...ANYTHING that you have to pay for that relates to this loss.

I. City, County, and State Building Code requirements in writing.

J. Copy of your state Department of Insurance statutes on Bad Faith Claims, or Unfair Claims Practices. (See the Appendix for a list of all 50 states' insurance departments, and their phone numbers. You can also find this free information at my website, ).

K. Waiver of Lien forms (See Chapter Thirty, Settling Your Claim). These forms are also downloadable at the website.

L. Worker's list. A list of everyone who works on your home, who they work for, and what work they're doing. Taking their photo would be a great idea, also. Why? You could have lots of strangers working on your home. Would you normally allow strangers to walk around inside your house without knowing who they are?

M. Professional reports, such as an Engineer report, Cause and Origin report, Fire or Police report, etc.

N. Copy of all estimates.

O. Copy of all repair contracts. NO WORK WITHOUT SIGNED CONTRACTS. Also, contractors occasionally find hidden damages that will require supplemental repair costs. YOU are responsible for these costs, even though the insurance company agrees to pay. The insurance company doesn't own your do. GET IT IN WRITING.

P. Copies of any advance payment checks you receive from the insurance company.

Q. If you have a contractor, or ANYONE who works on your damaged property, get a copy of their insurance certificates that show their liability insurance is in effect. No insurance, no work. Period. You CANNOT afford to have a worker get hurt on your premises and file a claim against you for liability or medical expenses.

Keep a Journal

Buy a journal book, or just simply use a standard sized legal pad as your claims journal. This means that you should write down EVERYTHING that happens in your claim.

Write down every phone conversation: Date, time, phone number, who you talked to, what was said.

Write down every meeting: Date, time, length of meeting, people in attendance, what was discussed.

Write it down WHEN IT HAPPENS. Don't rely on your memory a few days later. You'll be sorry if you try that.

Once again, there's no downside for you if you handle your claim like a professional. Think about you just blithely allow your employer to send you a payroll check each week for whatever amount he chooses? If your paycheck was wrong, you'd challenge it, wouldn't you? If the waiter at your favorite restaurant brought you the check, and it was $20.00 too much, you'd argue about it, wouldn't you? Well, those numbers are chicken feed in comparison to the THOUSANDS of dollars in an insurance claim.

Don't just accept the insurance company's settlement without MAKING SURE it's correct!

For more information, go to:

Copyright 2008, Russell D. Longcore. All Rights Reserved.

#4 of the Top Ten List - Take LOTS of Photos!

This article is excerpted from the book, "Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED!"

Want to know why camera work is so important when you have a claim?

A. A photo is worth a thousand words. (I think I've heard that before)

B. Photos trigger memories, and remind you of building and contents items that were destroyed or damaged.

C. Time is of the essence. If you’re adjuster can’t get to your property for a couple days (or weeks in hurricane losses), and you need to protect your property, you can carefully photograph the areas that you are protecting before you cover them or alter them. That way, you’ve preserved evidence of the damages.

D. On occasion, there are disputes between you and the adjuster on what was damaged, or how much damage occurred. Adjuster like to write estimates to clean and repair stuff rather than replace it. Your photo of the damage may be the proof you'll need to get paid correctly.

Take a camera, lots of film (or disposable cameras) and a pad of paper. Photograph ALL DAMAGE, INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR. TAKE PHOTOS OF CONTENTS DAMAGE. There might be hidden damage…don’t worry about that. Just get photos of the damage in plain sight. On the pad of paper, make a log of every shot you took. Don’t wait for the adjuster to do take the photos. He might be days or weeks from inspecting your property. Your insurance contract requires you to mitigate your damage.

If you can, get hold of a video camera and a couple of video tapes. You might need a floodlight or other very powerful battery-powered light. If your dwelling is safe to walk through, take video footage of every room in the house where there is damage. Take footage from every angle in every room. Make sure you take footage of your damaged contents. Shoot footage inside closets…in open drawers, inside boxes, on bookshelves, inside cabinets, in the garage where lots of junk is stored. Take shots of all four sides of your home from the outside. If you have exterior damage, shoot it. Take footage of the debris in the yard, especially if it has contents items that the fire department threw out in the yard. After a tornado, your property might be strewn all over the place. Shoot it. After a flood, lots of stuff may have been hauled out and dropped in the yard. Shoot it.

If you can’t get a video camera, then use a digital camera and take still photos. If you can’t get a digital camera, use a 35mm camera. Use the camera in your cell phone. Heck, use disposable cameras. JUST TAKE THE PHOTOS AND GET YOUR DAMAGES ON FILM!!

NEVER give your film negatives or original videotape to the adjuster. Give copies of the photos and videos, if they ask for them. Keep track of your expenses for photos and videos…you can recover that cost from your insurance policy.

I promise that you'll never be sorry you photographed your loss. Think of it...there's no downside for you. The insurance company will reimburse you for your photos, and it will help you prove your loss.

But, if you don't take the photos, there's no upside for you. You are leaving your financial future in the hands of an adjuster you don't know.

Which sounds best to you?

For more information, go to:

Copyright 2008, Russell D. Longcore. All rights reserved.

#3 of the Top Ten List - Mitigate your Damages!

This is #3 of the Top Ten List of things to do after you've had an insured loss...Mitigate your damages. These are excerpts from my book "Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED!"

Remember, the word “mitigate” is an insurance term that means protecting the property from further damage. This can involve placing tarps over damaged roofing, removing damaged contents, pumping water out of your home or other temporary repairs. The costs for temporary repairs to protect your property are covered in your policy.

You have a responsibility in your policy to mitigate your damages. Depending on your individual situation, that may mean doing something as soon as possible after a loss. If you don't protect your property from further damage, the insurance company will likely deny the additional damage that will occur.

For example, if you have a windstorm that tears off your shingles. You do nothing to protect the roof and four days later, a big thunderstorm dumps a couple inches of rain on the roof, which causes water damage to ceilings throughout the house. The insurance company would pay to fix the roof, but not the water damage inside.

You may need a restoration contractor to mitigate the damages for you. I wrote about restoration contractors in Chapter Four. Here is a little extra comment about restoration contractors.

You might see many restoration contractors drop by to see if they can help you with temporary repairs, like tarps on roofs, board-up, pumping out water and demolition, and contents removal. Get written estimates from them BEFORE you sign ANYTHING. They will sometimes tell you that they were sent by the insurance company (maybe true, maybe not), and that it is your responsibility to protect your property from further damage (which is true). They may tell you that they will “direct bill” the insurance company (which they may do).

Be very careful on contents removal, sometimes known as “pack out.” The more contents they clean, the more money they make. The cost to clean something is a fraction of the cost to replace it. So, when the restoration contractors are involved, the claim value is reduced, which benefits the insurance company. That is why many adjusters may bring a restoration contractor with them to the loss location. Remember that many policies pay REPLACEMENT COST, and following major fires, large windstorm and water losses, most of your damaged possessions can be replaced instead of being cleaned. Every penny that goes for cleaning your contents comes from the contents limit of liability shown on your policy declarations page. So, theoretically, a substantial amount of your insurance money to replace your items could go to the restoration company to only clean the items!! If the restoration contractor cleans a bunch of your property, and you reject it as unusable, there will be less money for replacement of your property.

The contract for cleaning and restoration of your property will be between you and the contractor...not the contractor and the insurance company.


Copyright 2008, Russell D. Longcore. All rights reserved.

Top Ten List #2: Notify the Insurance Company

"Notify The Insurance Company." Seems sort of obvious, doesn’t it? But, there are different ways to notify the company that you’ve had a loss. And when you notify the insurance company can make a big difference in how your claim is handled.

This is an excerpt from the book "Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED!"

The first place to look for information is on your policy. Many policies will have a telephone number listed for reporting a claim. However, I’ve seen policies that require the policyholder to notify the company in writing. So, make sure that the method of reporting your claim is acceptable to the insurance company. Likely, your agent has his name and telephone number on the policy. If so, call him and report the loss also.

Sometimes, an agent will have settlement authority to handle small losses, such as homeowner’s losses under $2,000.00. In that kind of instance, the agent could handle the claim for you. I’ve found this situation to be rare, though. Occasionally, captive agents (agents that work for only one company, like State Farm or Allstate) will have a small amount of settlement authority.

The first thing you should remember is that the agent is licensed by the Department of Insurance in his state to be an agent. There is a separate license for claims adjusters. It's actually a violation of insurance regulations for an agent to do claims adjusting. It’s not his job to handle your claim, but to assist you in buying the coverage that’s right for you. Agents can be very helpful by making calls on your behalf if you’re having problems in your claim. They can be helpful in finding out key names and phone numbers for insurance company personnel that are handling your claim. If the agent has a large number of policyholders with that company, and his clientele represents a large amount of premium to that insurance company, it can be very helpful to have the agent call on your behalf when you’re having problems.

After all, it’s all about customer service, and keeping the promises made in the insurance policy.

Sometimes, the agent or an office secretary/customer service representative will fill out a claim form (called an ACORD form), and submit the claim form to the insurance company on your behalf. In this age of the Internet, frequently the claim form is electronic, and the agent will submit the electronic form by computer.

If the agent notifies the company on your behalf, and uses some type of form, ask the agent to send you a copy of the completed form. Then, you’ll be certain that the claim was submitted, and the date the claim was submitted.

Many times, however, the agent will have to refer you to the claims department of the insurance company. Your policy may have a telephone number for the claims department listed on the policy, and instructions how to make a claim.

Your policy requires you to notify the insurance company “in a timely manner” after you’ve had a claim. What is timely? It varies policy to policy. But each state has statutes of limitation that limit the amount of time after a claim occurrence that a claim can be made. Check with your state’s Department of Insurance to determine the statute of limitation where you live…or where the loss occurred. You’ll find a list of all of the Insurance Departments of all 50 U.S. states and their phone numbers in the Appendix, and at the website at: .

For example: you live in Minnesota, and own a retirement home in Florida. The Florida house gets hit by a hurricane. The statutes for Florida would apply.

WARNING: If you wait more than a month after your loss to notify the insurance company, they will be instantly suspicious. In those cases, you should expect to receive one of two forms from the insurance company before they begin their investigation of the loss:

Non-Waiver Agreement. This basically states that the insurance company is going to do a thorough investigation of the claim, but that their investigation does not commit them to pay the claim. It states that they do not waive any of their rights under the policy, and that the insured does not waive any of his rights by cooperating with the investigation. The insurance company wants the insured to sign this form. However, if the Insured refuses to sign the form, the insurance company will send him a….
Reservation of Rights letter. This states basically the same thing as a Non-Waiver Agreement, but the Insured does not have to sign it.

Don’t forget to write in your claim journal the date, time, who you spoke with, the phone number you called, and what was said when you reported your claim. That information could be very valuable later if you have problems with your claim.

Most likely, you’ll receive a claim number from the company when you report the loss. Write the claim number in your journal!!! Don’t expect the insurance company to quickly send you a form that has the claim number on it. Sometimes, it may be many days before the claims department sends you any correspondence, and you will likely need to speak with them before then.

WARNING: What about a situation in which someone else is at fault, and you’re making a claim against the other person’s insurance company? This could happen in an auto accident, or if someone causes damage to your house, or your contents. EVEN IN THIS SITUATION, you must notify your own insurance company that you’re involved in a claim.

The reason is that third party claims don’t always turn out well for you, the claimant. Sometimes, the other person’s insurance company denies liability or denies coverage. Sometimes, the other person’s insurance company drags the process out. Sometimes, the other person’s insurance company makes a settlement offer far below the fair value of the claim. Months may pass, and you have suffered a financial loss that is not getting paid.

What if you, or someone in your family, is injured in the claim…and the other guy’s insurance company won’t accept liability?

Those things might occur weeks or months after a loss. In many cases, you can short-cut that process and make a claim against your own insurance policy to repair the damages. Then your insurance company will do something called “Subrogation.” That is, they will pay your claim, and then contact the other person’s insurance company and demand reimbursement, including your deductible.

So, if you don’t report your claim right away, the policy might allow that insurance company to deny your claim based upon late reporting.

Besides, your policy REQUIRES you to notify the insurance company “promptly” after you have a loss of covered property. That requirement is there no matter who is at fault for the damages.

Don’t get caught in this technicality! Don’t lose your right to collect what you deserve.

Copyright 2008, by Russell Longcore. All rights reserved.

Tornadoes, Floods, Wildfires and a New Hurricane Season!

After the March tornadoes, I posted a Top Ten List of extremely important things to do after your property is damaged in a disaster. In the next ten postings, I'm going to expand on each of the strategies in the Top Ten List.

Back in March, we here in the metro Atlanta area had an F4 tornado strike the downtown area of Atlanta. That tornado did about $300 million in damages. About a month later, another group of twisters hit between Atlanta and Macon, doing about the same amount of damage.

Now, we're seeing tornadoes all over the middle of the USA, and massive flooding has struck four or five states, affecting hundreds of thousands of people. And don't forget the wildfires charring Southern California.

But...cheer up! We have a long Hurricane Season that began June 1, and goes until the end of November!!

The following is an excerpt from my book, "Insurance Claim Secrets REVEALED!"

The first strategy in the Top Ten List is....SLOW DOWN.

How many times have you heard an insurance company’s radio or television commercial say how fast they settle claims? That really sounds good, doesn’t it? Who wouldn’t want their claim settled quickly?

But my long experience as an adjuster has been that hastily settled claims are settled far below what they are worth. It’s almost as if the policyholder or claimant becomes willing to give the insurance companies a big discount in return for the speed of getting a settlement check.

Don’t be one of those people who are motivated by a quick settlement check.

I’m not suggesting that you should drag your feet and be uncooperative in the process. You should be very cooperative...but on your own terms, not the insurance company’s terms. I’m saying that if you are in control of the claims process like you should be, it will not usually be speedy.

The process will move along in a businesslike manner, but you must not allow yourself to be rushed into a settlement. Even if the insurance company sends you a check before you’re ready to settle, you’re not required to cash it.

Let’s look at the first 24-48 hours after you have a loss. It really does not matter if your loss is small or large or a jumbo catastrophic disaster. It does not matter if your loss is a property loss…like a hurricane or flood or tornado or fire, or a casualty loss, like an automobile accident. There are some things that you must do to protect yourself, your family and your property.



1. Make sure everyone is safe and accounted for…including the pets.

2. Get medical attention for anyone in the family that needs it…including the pets.

3. Contact your public utility companies. Have them send out a technician to shut off the water, power and gas immediately. That itself will increase the safety factor in your damaged dwelling.

Speak with the Fire Marshall and the local Building Inspector regarding the safety of the dwelling. You want to be sure it’s safe for you to enter the dwelling after the loss. If it is not safe, don’t go in there…no matter what. You can replace STUFF, but you cannot replace YOURSELF.


4. Camera work

Get hold of a video camera and a couple of video tapes. You might need a floodlight or other very powerful battery-powered light. If your dwelling is safe to walk through, take video footage of every room in the house where there is damage. Take footage from every angle in every room. Make sure you take footage of your damaged contents. Shoot footage inside closets…in open drawers, inside boxes, on bookshelves, inside cabinets, in the garage where lots of junk is stored. Take shots of all four sides of your home from the outside. Take footage of the debris in the yard, especially if it has contents items that the fire department threw out in the yard.

If you can’t get a video camera, then use a digital camera and take still photos. If you can’t get a digital camera, use a 35mm camera. Use the camera in your cell phone. Heck, use disposable cameras. JUST TAKE THE PHOTOS AND GET YOUR DAMAGES ON FILM!!

NEVER give your film negatives or original videotape to the adjuster. Give copies of the photos and videos, if they ask for them. Keep track of your expenses for photos and videos…you can recover that cost.

Want to know why camera work is so important?
-A photo is worth a thousand words.
-Photos trigger memories, and remind you of building and contents items that were destroyed or damaged.
-Time is of the essence. If you’re adjuster can’t get to your property for a couple days (or weeks in hurricane losses), and you need to protect your property, you can carefully photograph the areas that you are protecting before you cover them or alter them. That way, you’ve preserved evidence of the damages.

5. Notify your relatives or closest friends of the loss. Friends and relatives can be extremely helpful to you…but only if YOU control what they do.
A. Do NOT take advice from your friends and relatives, unless they have experienced a loss EXACTLY like yours, and were successful in getting every dollar they were owed. If that actually happened, they probably have a copy of this book and followed my advice to the letter.
B. Friends and relatives can be great witnesses of the damage. They can help take photos and videos. They can be witnesses when you meet with the adjuster or your contractor. They can babysit for you. They can store things temporarily for you. They can take care of your pets. They can make beer runs to the store for you while you’re taking care of your claim.

6. Notify the insurance company. It is certainly acceptable to phone the agent or company claim department first, but be aware that many policies require you to report a claim in writing. Make sure you know what your policy language says regarding submitting a Notice of Loss. THIS IS CRUCIAL!!! If you do not notify your insurance company of your loss in the way the policy says to do it, your claim could be denied.

7. Determine what it’s going to take to secure your property and protect it from further loss. This is part of your responsibility in your insurance contract. If necessary, contact a disaster restoration company to board up the building, or tarp the roof, or extract the water, etc. IF YOU DO THE WORK YOURSELF, OR ALLOW OTHERS TO DO FREE WORK FOR YOU, THE INSURANCE COMPANY MAY NOT PAY YOU FOR YOUR TIME.

in my book).

9. If you need to contact an emergency service provider or disaster restoration contractor, go to the websites listed below to find one.


A restoration contractor is very different than a general contractor. Most general contractors who do remodeling or new construction do not have the skills and knowledge that a restoration contractor has.

For one thing, the restoration contractor is very familiar with the insurance claims process, and how insurance companies pay for repairs. The restoration contractors use similar estimating software to that used by the adjusters and insurance companies. A general contractor who submits an estimate in an unacceptable form to the insurance company or adjuster just annoys them, and slows down your claim.

Another reason to find restoration contractor is that they are usually full service contractors. They will be able to do temporary or emergency cleanup and board up. They will own the equipment for drying and water damage remediation. They are familiar with the kinds of damage that fires, wind and water do to homes. Finally, they are experts at writing accurate estimates for these specific kinds of damages.

General contractors who do not make their living in insurance restoration do not have this kind of equipment and experience. Period.

You can also look in your local Yellow Pages under “Disaster Restoration,” or “Fire Restoration,” or “Water Damage Restoration.” Look for logos that say “DKI,” or “ASCR,” or “AAORC.”

DKI - Disaster Kleen-up International. Headquartered in Chicago, IL, is a network of the leading independent property damage restoration contractors across North America. You can ask for a referral at 888-735-0800, and also find them at:

ASCR – The Association of Specialists in Cleaning and Restoration, Inc. is the leading trade association for cleaning and restoration professionals worldwide, and the foremost authority, trainer and educator in the industry. You can ask for a referral in your area at 800-272-7012, or the website:

AAORC - American Association Of Restoration Contractors, is a national network of reputable and reliable restoration contractors who provide top-notch restoration services. You can call them toll free at 866-771-1525, or the website:

Call at least two restoration contractors, if possible. Ask them to meet you at your home to inspect the damage within 24 hours of the loss.

Remember this important point…there is NOTHING in your policy that requires you to get two or three estimates. Meeting two contractors is just a smart way to find one that you like best and want to work with. Check out their references, and ask them for a list of satisfied customer that you can call by phone. ONLY AFTER THE CONTRACTOR CHECKS OUT should you hire him.


Start A File

You must create a file immediately after your loss. Go to an office supply store and buy one of those cardboard accordion-like expandable folders that can hold lots of paperwork. Even a cardboard box with a lid on it is acceptable for keeping everything inside it. You don’t have to be fancy, just keep everything in one place. Your file also must be portable, so that rules out using a filing cabinet at home.

During the recovery process, place the following in your file:
Current copy of your policy. If you don’t have a copy handy, call your agent and have him get you a copy immediately.
Copies of all written correspondences (don’t forget emails) between you and ANYONE regarding your claim.
Phone, fax and email address record for everyone involved in the claim.
Photos you have taken of the damages…and the repairs. This includes videotapes or still photos of the damages that you took immediately after the loss.
A cassette tape of your own recorded statement about how the loss occurred. (See Chapter Twenty Five, Recorded Statements.)
A cassette tape recorder, batteries and spare tapes for recording EVERY conversation that you have with the adjuster, claims examiner, appraiser, engineer, attorney, contractor…ANYONE with whom you discuss this claim.
Receipt envelope. ALL receipts pertaining to this loss should be in that envelope. NEVER give the insurance company your original receipts. They should get copies.
Expense log: emergency services, living expenses, mileage, even extra child care, or boarding your pets…ANYTHING that you have to pay for that relates to this loss.
City, County, and State Building Code requirements in writing.
Copy of your state Department of Insurance statutes on Bad Faith Claims, or Unfair Claims Practices. (See the book Appendix for a list of all 50 states’ insurance departments, and their phone numbers. You can also find this free information at my website, ).
Waiver of Lien forms (See Chapter Thirty, Settling Your Claim). These forms are also downloadable at the website.
Worker’s list. A list of everyone who works on your home, who they work for, and what work they’re doing. Taking their photo would be a great idea, also.
Professional reports, such as an Engineer report, Cause and Origin report, Fire or Police report, etc.
Copy of all estimates.
Copy of all repair contracts. NO WORK WITHOUT SIGNED CONTRACTS. Also, contractors occasionally find hidden damages that will require supplemental repair costs. YOU are responsible for these costs, even though the insurance company agrees to pay. The insurance company doesn’t own your house…you do. GET IT IN WRITING.
Copies of any advance payment checks you receive from the insurance company.
If you have a contractor, or ANYONE who works on your damaged property, get a copy of their insurance certificates that show their liability insurance is in effect. No insurance, no work. Period. You CANNOT afford to have a worker get hurt on your premises and file a claim against you for liability or medical expenses.

Keep a Journal

Buy a journal book, or just simply use a standard sized legal pad as your claims journal. This means that you should write down EVERYTHING that happens in your claim.

Write down every phone conversation: Date, time, phone number, who you talked to, what was said.

Write down every meeting: Date, time, length of meeting, people in attendance, what was discussed.

Write it down WHEN IT HAPPENS. Don’t rely on your memory a few days later. You’ll be sorry if you try that.

11. Meet the adjuster. (First, read Chapter Seven, Claims Adjusters.)

The following procedure is what a professional claims adjuster SHOULD DO at your first meeting:
Introduce himself and give you his business card.
Sit down with you FIRST and explain what he is about to do.
Find out from you if you’ve ever had a loss before.
READ YOUR POLICY WITH YOU, and answer all of your questions.
Explain in detail the claims process, and the steps he will be taking.
Explain to you, the insured, what your responsibilities are in the claims process.
Then, after all of that…..he should inspect your damage.

If your adjuster does NOT do all of the above, in basically that order…you must realize that you may have a problem right away.

Here’s another tip about adjusters. Most adjusters are likeable people, and try their best to get along and be pleasant. Occasionally, you’ll find an adjuster who is disagreeable, rude and sharp tongued. If you find that you don’t get along with the independent adjuster that has been assigned to your claim, call his supervisor and request that another adjuster be assigned to this claim. Make your request politely but firmly. You do not have to take abuse and poor treatment from an adjuster. If the claims supervisor won’t change the adjuster, call the insurance company and ask them to assign the claim to another adjusting company.

If you’re dealing with the insurance company’s staff adjuster, and getting treated badly, call his supervisor and firmly request another adjuster. If the supervisor doesn’t cooperate, go to his supervisor. Keep going up the ladder until you get what you want. If none of this works, call your State Department of Insurance and file a complaint.

Many times you can meet the adjuster at your location on the same day as the loss occurred. That’s the ideal situation. Some damages can be mitigated (made less severe) by the speed that cleanup begins. For example, you have an icemaker supply line that bursts while you are out, and the red oak wood floor in your dining room gets very wet. If you can get the water up off the floor, and drying equipment in the room quickly, the floor will likely not swell and buckle…and the floor can be saved. If you had to wait 1-2 days for the adjuster to arrive, the floor would likely have to be replaced at much higher cost.

At this first meeting with the adjuster, make requests for advance payments, if necessary. (See Chapter Nineteen, Advance Payments.) If you’ve had a major Contents loss, like fire, smoke or water damage, you’ll need to replace some of these items quickly. If you have had a loss which leaves you unable to live in your home temporarily, you’ll need money to pay for hotel rooms, or temporary housing, or a short term lease for a house or apartment (Additional Living Expense coverage). Insurance companies will make these types of advance payments to the insured when the advance is requested. They seldom offer an advance.

That's all for this first strategy. Watch for more crucial information on the other strategies in the Top Ten List!

For more information, go to: